Coast to Country Building Approvals offers Town Planning consulting services under our Director Fiona Castley assisted by Lisa Graham.
Between Fiona and Lisa, our team offers over 40 years of statutory and strategic planning experience across various Local Governments and private practise.
At Coast to Country Building Approvals our focus is on Statutory Planning permit applications, with other advice available on request.
With a passion for new development as well as heritage matters we would love to hear about your plans…
Coast to Country Building Approvals is leading the way in providing an integrated approach to development projects.
Whether it is a fast clarification as to whether a planning permit is needed for a building permit application or clarification of requirements in the National Construction Code prior to town planning permit applications being lodged with Councils – we can assist with prompt professional advice!
Town Planning at Coast to Country Building Approvals looks at the overall use and development of a site to ensure that your development projects achieves your aims AND meets the rules of the Local Council’s Planning Scheme.
Local Councils are legally responsible for assessing and deciding on town planning permit applications.
They have the legislative power to approve or refuse development proposals.
Coast to Country Building Approvals do not issue town planning permits.
Coast to Country Building Approvals can assist you by being your voice and advocating on your behalf with your Local Council to ensure they have all the information they need to decide on your development project.
We review and collate all the relevant information for submission to Council, preparing an assessment report giving Council all the information they need to assess and decide on your development proposal.
This differs from the Building Surveying Industry where Registered Building Surveyors (such as Coast to Country Building Approvals) are legally responsible for assessing, inspecting and deciding on building permit applications.
A planning permit looks at overall use and development of a site – what will a building look like, where will it sit on a site, what uses are happening in the building or on the land – and assesses them against a statewide rulebook – the Planning Scheme.
Building Permits look at construction methods and building structure to ensure that all buildings are safe and compliant for their future uses.
Some rules of the planning scheme are the same everywhere – some are determined at a local level or a site by site basis.
The planning scheme rules can change from property to property, and you might need a planning permit for something whilst your neighbour may not.
All land titles in Victoria are subject to the rules of their local planning scheme.
These rules are mostly governed by which Zone and Overlays apply to the land title in question, although there are other specific rules for particular uses, to remove native vegetation or if you are next to a main road.
A Zone sets out which uses and development can occur with or without a permit, or which uses are prohibited in a certain type of area.
The rules for zones are set at a Victoria wide level, and your local Council has chosen which ones suit your area best.
An Overlay seeks to protect something specific or assess risk in relation to a specific development proposal.
An Overlay sets out specific circumstances in which a permit is or is not required.
An Overlay generally looks at one of four themes;
Coast to Country Building Approvals works with a variety of licensed land surveyors to project manage and act as permit application for subdivision proposals.
There are four main stages in the subdivision process:
Coast to Country Building Approvals have assisted with town planning applications in the following areas;